Sunday, November 21, 2010

first draft( the sducational system in the past and the present)

            We usually consider the education as a very important step in the progress of any country. In the past we used to be considered one if the most powerful country because of our information and knowledge. But things have changed nowadays because of the recent events and inventions. That make our country to be considered as the weakest educational system in the Arab world. 

           Do you know how the students were taught in the past? They were taught by very old methods such as repeating and the use of the blackboard. Although the use of these old methods, the educational process was going very well . As, the students were learning because they want to learn and know more about everything . The students used to be serious and intelligent in learning anything. That's why we notice the famous characters whose names are immortal in history.

           But now the educational system is completely different from the past. New methods were invited such as computers, internet and the whiteboard. We can't deny that all these methods facilities the process of learning. But the weakness flow was the students themselves. Nowadays the students don't concentrate on acquiring the knowledge; they only concentrate on how to succeed in the final exams. They learn so that when they get married they say "oh yeah he has a high grade" but in fact he is blank!!!!

            Finally, we can say that we can develop our country if we took care of our educational system. We must develop in the students the love of learning . if we neglect that we will be one of the most undeveloped country in the middle east.

outline or the educational system in the past and the present


-Was there any difference between teaching now and in the past?
- What causes the weakness in the educational system in Egypt?
- Are there any technologies that affect the progress of the educational system?                         
-what are the problems of our educational system?
-Are there any solution of this weak flow in our educational system?     

Sunday, November 14, 2010



                   You must be wondering what globalization means!!!!  Globalization means that the whole world becomes a small village where everyone can know what is happening in any part of the world. Also it means that there are industrial, economical, educational and cultural freedoms between the countries of the world. This phenomenon has appeared lately because of the technology of nowadays.

                    I disagree with the existence of globalization. It's another term of imperialism and colonialism. The developed countries changed the term to fool the others with its good intensions. They only want to take all the sources of money and to make them still undeveloped counties by giving them all their needs without giving them the chance to think how to get them by themselves. This brings out the idea of colonialism. But in the past they used to take the land by war in order to take the spoils of it. Now they take all good stuffs of the country under the name of friendship and cooperation.
                   On the other hand others agree with the idea of globalization. They proved their point of view saying that it's useful for the progress of their countries. As it provides them with all the means of comfortable and amusement such as satellites , internet, modern sells phones and high tech machines. We can't blame them for that but they must be aware of the results. The developed    countries are working so hard to remove the existing culture in the country with their own culture. They also force the people to talk their own language in order to interact with them.

                     Finally, the one can't say more about it as it's painful seeing your country is falling back and the others are moving forwards. We should stand as one hand against this monster and say NO FOR GLOBILIZATION. We should make people aware of that history repeats itself and globalization is another meaning of colonialism.